Buy a Ticket or Become a sponsors click here

Ticket Pricing
Youth Participant
(18yrs and under)
Youth Chaperone
Community Member
Early Birds Special $40 $45
(19yrs and up)
*VIP:Priority seat, free gift, 2 tickets
If you would like to become a Sponsor, see Sponsor Packages below.
Tickets are included.
Make an Impact – Be a Sponsor Today!
The second annual ABC Youth Community Gala is an opportunity for us to join forces with our local community. Donors are who make our program, events and future plans possible. Without you, we aren’t able to do what we do today. All proceeds will go towards our programs fund to continue our work in our local community.
When you select a Sponsor Package, please note the number of tickets that are included. If additional tickets are needed, they will have to be purchased individually.
Sponsor Packages